Manifesting and Creating What you want
I am looking forward to exploring your desire together. Together we will learn how to tell the difference between times when you need to take action and the times when you might want to "let go and let God". We will discuss how to get into the best position internally, to be able to effortlessly ...
What else do you want
Sometimes we get so anxious about our “big” desire, that we abandon our “total” life and other things we really want. It seems like if we create our "big" desire, everything else will settle in its place. We could start doing things "backward" and become aware of what else in our life needs our a...
All Systems Go! Activate Creativity!
Having done the exercise about your ordinary but ideal life, I want you to actually do something that will instantly get those creative juices flowing. And I don't mean you will do arts in crafts, but you will be tuned in to what it will take to create what you want whether by manifesting or by a...
In this video, we are talking about an important skill of learning how to insist on what you want and what it feels like. This will be an important tool going forward as well as knowing that it's okay not to be afraid to "insist" or put your full focus on your desire. We don't have to be afraid o...
Making "Ridiculous" Requests
Sometimes, we do not "get" because we don't ask -- simply, directly, powerfully-- for exactly what we want. We judge our requests by what we anticipate may be appropriate or our imaginations about the reactions of others. If you want to manifest powerfully, this is a very important skill to pract...
Just Show Up/Go As Far As You Unreasonably Can
When we are creating something new (and what we are manifesting is by DEFINITION something new), we have to practice what some religious people call "walking in faith." Or walking up to the line where what we can do and what "the universe" must provide without any guarantee, but with calm groundi...
Your Mind May Think It's Not A Fit But It May Be Wrong
On your journey of manifesting and creating what you want, you may encounter a funny thing. You may THINK you need to keep working, attracting, wishing but what you want may be right under your nose. Your mind, however, may reject it. In this lesson, I encourage you to pay attention to nudges and...
Shifting into I AM CREATING THIS
The secret to manifesting freely and creating what you desire is owning the whole creative intention as a chef creates a recipe. They may not know exactly how and when to get the ingredients, but they know what they need to make a complete dish. In order to be in the creative flow you have to do...
Seed of Desire/Keep Desire Indepenent
The concept in this video is important to manifesting what you want. When we want something that doesn't exist yet or, does not exist in our reality yet, we are creating something new. But we get stuck in REACTING to the world that exists already because we see a reflection of our desire in it. W...
There is an important step in manifesting hearts desire and it usually comes when you are exhausted and you've tried everything. The desire isn't leaving you but no matter what you do, it isn't what you experience as your reality. This is when you are advised (by most teachers of manifesting) to ...
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Play these in your car or on your evening walk. This affirmations track is full of thoughts to support you on your manifesting journey.
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Use these journal prompts to journal and think about how you can make your life what you want now.